Model: SSH 36
Year: 1936
Original pot restored (illegible markings inside rear skirt)
Interior lining and replica barboquej.
During World War I the troops of the Russian army barely used combat helmets, and the few used were the modelsadrian frenchand thefinnish sholberg. Once World War I had ended, and the old Russia had become a Federal Republic, in 1928 the newWorkers' and Peasants' Red Army, RKKA, and in 1934 the development of a new helmet for the new army began.
The new model that was called SSH36 was designed by LieutenantAlexander A. Shvartz, beginning its production and distribution in 1936.
Its characteristic elements are its wide visor and the sides as a skirt that provided ample protection to the user. It is speculated that its design was based on the German model M35, which was introduced a year before the Russian SSH36. In the upper part it also had a small crest that protected a small hole for ventilation and that could also be inspired by theadrian french.
The first interiors were made of leather, turning out to be fragile. Due to the lack of reliability of these first linings, the interior was changed for a new fabric design, and that will be used in the new SSH39 helmet model. Similar problems were encountered with leather chinstraps, so these were dropped in favor of cloth models. They were made in four sizes: small, medium, large and extra large.