the helmet russian ssh39/ssh40
The USSR army, before the start of the war, was equipped with the helmet modelSSH36. Due to the low ballistic quality of this helmet, work was done on new designs that were approved in 1938, the so-calledSSH39, a model reminiscent ofItalian M933, and it is possible that he was inspired by it. In this new model (SSH39) the same interior lining was adapted as the one used in theSSH36 but with a fastening structure similar to the Italian one.

This new design quickly underwent a modification in 1940, giving rise to a new variant called SSH40that has been maintained with hardly any modifications until the Cold War, a model that was also adopted by the countries that formed theWarsaw pact.
The difference between the model39and the40It is only the modification of the interior lining. The garrison of the model 39 prevented the use of protection elements against the cold (winter head coverings), with which the helmet could not be adjusted correctly and lost its protective capacity. The new lining did allow the use of the winter hat, it was made up of 3 pieces of waxed fabric and padded on the inside that were attached to the helmet by two rivets each.

Esquemas sujeción guarnición SSH39

Outwardly the two models differ only by the position of the rivets for fastening the lining, so in the 39 model they are in the upper part of the hull and in the 40 model they are located in the lower part.