BELGIUM M1926/31
Model: M1926-31 ADRIAN
Year: 1931
Manufacturer: Xavier Buisset
Front emblem: Belgian lion
The Belgian model of the helmetAdrianpart of the modelAdrianFrench model of 1915. This new Belgian model begins to be manufactured in 1931 and differs in some aspects from the French model 26. The interior and chinstrap are taken from the French model 26. The crest is made of aluminum and the emblem of the Belgian Army Lion is incorporated on the front.
This model was made byXavier Buisse, can be distinguished by the design of the frontal Leon, by the fold of the plate that holds the springs that hold the trim and by the rounded shape of the rear part of the crest (other manufacturers weretordoirYfonson).
We can summarize the elements that differentiate it from the French model 26:
in the French model the ends of the crest are sharp and were made of steel or duralumin.
in the Belgian model the ends of the crest are rounded (modeltordoir) or based on the crest of model 15 (fonson).
the pot is more rounded on the French model and sharper on the model.
the base of the hull is practically flat for the 31 model and is curved for the French 26 model.
the visor of the Belgian helmet is flared.
On May 28, 1940, the Belgian Army surrendered to the German Army after an invasion that lasted 18 days. From this moment on, the Free Belgian Army began to fight alongside the English troops, for which it adopted their uniform and with it the English MKII helmet.Tommy, which marked the end of the use of the helmetAdrianby the Belgian Army, the helmetAdrianit was relegated to the use of auxiliary forces, police and civil defense.
Modelo Adrian M26/31belga, variante del modelo M26 francés, fabricado por Xavier Buisset.
Se puede distinguir que el ejemplar de la colección fue fabricado por Xavier Buisset, por el diseño del León frontal, por el pliegue de la pletina que sujeta los resortes que sujetan la guarnición y por la forma redondeada de la parte trasera de la cresta (otros fabricantes fueron Tordoir y Fonson).