Model: Type 90 (M1930/32) – Tetsu-bou
Year: 1930
Maker:Kobe Seiko
Size: large
Front emblem: 5-pointed star IJA (imperial japanese army)
Generally, the Japanese helmets were painted in light brown or khaki, and also in gray, green or dirty yellow colors, but the helmet in the collection is curiously painted black.
Towards the end of the war the Japanese forces were facing American air superiority , so the Japanese were forced to use night fighting. This fact could respond to the fact that Japanese helmets painted black (like the model in the collection) were found, since with this they achieved a better camouflage, and that although specimens are found, they are scarce. On the hull, the previous layer of brown / khaki paint can be seen under the black paint layer.
In the bookJapanese Special Naval Landing Forces deGary Nila & Robert A. Rolfewe find the following:
El casco procede un veterano que lucho en las Filipinas, concretamente en las islas Visayas. La estrella frontal (emblema IJA), es original.
El interior del casco y su barboquejo son réplicas, ya que los originales se perdieron. El interior esta compuesto de 3 lengüetas de cuero almohadilladas por dentro con dos lóbulos enlazados y sujetas a una banda (zuncho) también de cuero. El barboquejo se diseñó a modo de la sujeción de los cascos de los antiguos samuráis, y consiste en una banda de tejido de algodón sujeta a los costados y a la parte trasera por anillas metálicas.