The hat typeSLOUCH(hat khaki fur felt - KFF) made of felt, it was used during World War II by Great Britain and the troops that made up thecommonwealthespecially Australia and New Zealand. It was used in combat by the troops that fought in the Asian jungle (Burma) as well as by the chindits. The characteristics of this wide-brimmed hat made it ideal for fighting in the jungle, it was cool and protected from the sun and humidity. It was usually used with the left wing bent or canted (from which the term derivesSLOUCH), so that he would not interfere with the weapon that is carried on his back.
El ejemplar de la colección, fue fabricado por F.J. Elliott & Co y está fechado en 1942. Lleva cosidas las insignias del 2º Batallón (Real Regimiento de la Reina - Queen's) de la 36 División de infantería (formada en 1942/1943 por integración de la 29 Brigada y de la 72 Brigada India), que participó en la campaña de Birmania 1942-1944.